goddess: nekhbet, goddess: isis, god: thoth, culture: nubian, god: amun, goddess: sekhmet, culture: egyptian, culture: israelite, culture: prehistoric, goddess: sothis, goddess: tefnut, goddess: neith, goddess: bastet, demon: mag, colour, goddess: nephthys, culture: mesopotamian, figure: distant goddess, culture: mayan

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  • Links December 2013

    ikhet_sekhmet Dec 13, 2013 22:15

    culture: egyptian, links, subject: food and drink, god: bes, culture: prehistoric, culture: incan, culture: greek, culture: anatolian, goddess: asherah, culture: persian, goddess: sekhmet, culture: indigenous australian, culture: roman

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  • Links January 2013

    ikhet_sekhmet Jan 31, 2013 23:51

    culture: egyptian, links, culture: prehistoric

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  • Links November/December 2012

    ikhet_sekhmet Dec 31, 2012 21:11

    culture: egyptian, links, culture: aztec, subject: food and drink, weaving and pottery make the world, culture: prehistoric, culture: mayan

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  • Links September 2012

    ikhet_sekhmet Sep 30, 2012 21:27

    culture: hittite/hurrian, links, culture: prehistoric, culture: mesopotamian, subject: cats and lions

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